
Showing posts from 2010

count down....自己渡过....

虽然今年31号不寂寞...因为有你的陪伴...但相处的时间还真的蛮短的>. 之前 还以为你23岁...结果是我猜错....你大我9年耶~不过我没想那么多啦~那是我妹妹问了我我才回答的~~还记得当初刚认识你的时候,觉得你很花....想不到你竟然那么‘单纯’...>. 佩怡说的东西是有些不中听....不过我不想去跟随别人的言论去做事...我就是我!!帅不帅根本不重要啊...像anti说的....帅哥没良心!!我认识的长情男也不是每个都帅的啊~总之你不要惹我不开心就好了~~ 还有 今天我忍住不信息你...原来你在睡午觉?!那我真的做了对的选择了...反正你不会回我的...还好你还会约我到lookout point ...不然我才不理你呢...放我一个人count down?!门儿都没有~~ 虽然你还在观察期...不过我会试着相信你的^^我是第一次想相信一个大我那么多年的男生哦~~果然佩怡的那句话对你有影响哦~~那就好好表现给我看吖~~证明我的选择是对的~~但今年有你的陪伴...我的新年不寂寞咯~~

Eternal Rhythm

刚刚看见了一个视频....不看还不知道eternal rhythm 是谁.....可是我好喜欢他们跳的舞噢.....是我们神起的歌耶~~不管是服装还是发型....都很像神起的风格哦~当他们在跳的时候还会lip sync 耶~~哦哈哈~~不错不错~~真的很好看.....而且他们跳起舞来超有魅力的....让我都不自觉的跟着一起唱歌~~哈哈...然后一边说很帅很帅~~尤其是那个担当在中角色的那位~四辑的时候在中的头发不是栗子头吗?我发现那位‘在中’超适合那个发型的~!! 还有 那位担当‘俊秀’的~头发的颜色也很大胆~红色耶~虽然秀秀也染了红色....但那个颜色不是每个人染起来都好看....但我还是觉得他是很适合当‘俊秀’的~还有‘允浩’啊....当他跳purple line 的时候....允浩不是有rap嘛....他抖动了两下....当下我觉得他超像允浩的!!!!wrong number的rap part 也是....神情超像耗子的~! 还有他们在跳Are you a good girl 的时候服装超像四巡con神起穿的那件蓝色的.....就是跳mirotic的那件啦~那位‘在中’依然有着在在的味道....~mirotic的时候也是一样~~不是有一part是在中拉高音嘛....又是那句....你是在中的亲戚吗?怎么那么像?远远看真的很像在中....侧面也很像~一举一动都有在在的味道啊~ 看他们的表演很享受....耳朵听到的是神起的声音....眼里看见的是eternal rhythm 的舞蹈....很有趣~~那位‘俊秀’跳舞很好看...在表演xiahtic的时候很有魅力~也很到位~~还安排‘有天’上来rap~ 还有他们在表演summer dream 的时候....在结尾的时候....他们竟然跳---水平舞!!天啊....也太可爱了~~还有躺在地上(正面)两脚向上下摆动~在神起con里出现过的动作.... 原来 他们是泰国人耶~不过神起的歌他们都可以唱得出来~不过我真的深深地被他们吸引了~~~ 不过还是觉得他们有自己的味道,这也算好事因为如果他们一昧的跟随神起的风格...岂不是有两个神起了?!eternal rhythm fighting~~!!!

Take Your Hand

TVXQ! - Take Your Hands Powered by 之前根本没想到这是东方神起的歌.....呵呵~~ 明天是秀秀的生日了呢~25岁了呢~~ 생일 축강해~有长一年了呢~长大吧~变成熟吧~话说秀秀你有正经吗? 哥哥啊~很羡慕那位抱住你的粉丝啊~为什么他可以抱你啊?!哦哦~~太羡慕啦!还有干嘛不和哥哥们庆祝勒?也没po任何的照片....... 明天 要去port dickson了......姐妹们竟然泼我冷水....说那里不好玩的!至少我有得去~Xpppp 你们没有~哈哈!!我要去沙滩上写I 明年允浩和昌珉回归啦~~~但是少了有俊在.....遗憾啊~不管如何~~我还是会支持你们的!!! 不过要看有没有钱咯~~哈哈~~!! 其实 没了有俊在.....他们是东方神起吗??!总觉得少了人......照片也看得超不顺的....才两个人啊~ 很怪啊~那也说明了.....东方神起要回复五人一体.....目前为止不是那么明朗........ 没关系的.....只要哥哥们没事....哥哥们快乐......我们还是会支持下去的!!!!fighting!!!!!TVXQ!!!!


问世间情是何物?直叫人生死相许....只为了一个情字而想不开.....oh man!不知道是不是他是大马人所以很关注他的新闻.... 为什么一个那么年轻又好看的年轻人会想不开....还说他想不开不关她的事.....说她只是给了他动力.....那不是他的错?!那只有没脑的人会想的吧! 或许......这是他的命....他的命只允许他走到那天.....这年头....男人有那么的痴情吗?很难找吧?更不要说他才谈过两次恋爱勒....22岁耶....我看我表哥17岁就谈了22次恋爱吧!所以美男.....下辈子不要那么傻了....不要被女生拒绝.....不要再为女生伤心不要让父母亲担心你.....不要让那么多人心痛.... 也许....对他来说...时间也不能减弱他对她的感情.....所以他才要以死来表达他爱她至死.....可是让父母伤心这是大孽不到啊! 这世上果然爱最伤人啊!一路好走吧!

Merry me,Mary~

玛丽外宿中,很可爱的文根英和很帅气的张根硕.....真是越看越顺眼吖~美丽的爱情~美丽的风景...还有美丽的音乐~ ‘爱情是一场不可预料的交通事故’....不是吗?爱情的来临不是每个人都可以预料的....当爱情出现时....是非常不可思议.....而意外的...... 除了他们的演技以外....最好看的是他们身上的衣服~~呜呜ㅠㅠ要是马来西亚也有冬天那该有多好??就像丽珠姐姐说的....(在Uniqlo)要是你可以穿着那个冷衣在太阳下2分钟,我就买那件给你(丽珠).....实在太好笑了~ 对啊!马来西亚哪能穿着些衣物啊?是不想活还是生病啦?那围巾....风衣还有手套哪能在这里戴呀?不管如何.....我还是买了 一件长袖的衣服.....而且最很喜欢垂垂的衣服.....衣橱里新买的衣服都是垂垂风的.... 还是说玛丽外宿中好了,昨天看了第八集....就是他们吻得很热烈的那集啦~超心动的啦~好想去那个地方在那里和爱人重拍好了~呵呵 不过地点还真是漂亮啊~简直是恋人的天地~还有这套戏他们常常要跑!为什么?张根硕太帅啦.....被女人围剿啦!哈哈~不信噢?去看看吧~分享亲亲的照片~~!!!


左边的是金材昱,而右边的是诺珉宇.......不懂为什么.....我分不清楚耶.....XD 实在很对不起啦!我真的不知道这是两个人啊!! 因为 最近在追《我的女友是九尾狐》.....所以才认识诺珉宇......实在丢脸.....竟然把两个帅哥搞混了!!!! 原本我以为 在《咖啡王子一号店》里的那个店员是《pasta》的Philip.....没想到.....我认错人了!!!! 还好终于搞清楚了.......所以现在对两位帅个很抱歉....也很喜欢.....因为演戏演得很好啊~~ 还有啊......《玛丽外宿中》很好看耶~~也很搞笑.....最重要的是有两根----张根锡和文根英演啊~~ 想不到啊 ....因为如此...所以我真的喜欢上诺珉宇啦~~~超帅的耶~~aza aza ~~闹木闹木醋歪嘿~~

16 y.o?!

LOVE?! for not suitable for our age....recently is not suitable for me lo.....chances is waiting but.....really not suitable..... love is the most suffer thing in the world...dont u agree? hu say love is easy? 16 y .o is now so young...but is not so mature too..... by now is correct or is a wrong decision? weather u r girl or really not easy for us....even i wanna baned some1 2 love is too hard....i reli dont noe both of them r reli fall in love or juz play2.....bcoz....v can c through a person's heart or soul.... i f reli wan 2 say chinggu ya.....dont bu cheated by guys....they r not tat sincere in tat way.....


最近都在做工.....人生....当中...一定会有不顺遂的事吧..... 爱情.....真的很重要?? 我想因人而视....有些人....说过不能陷下去....偏偏...她就是不听....所以只有在一边看吧....反正她不听.....我们也没办法.....难道她要去死我们不让她死吗? 不要说我们做朋友的没提醒你.... 你可能也知道吧....他根本不能用好这个字去形容.....可能没被伤过的人....不懂怎么爱人....受伤后也许你会更了解男人的想法与真面目......世界上的男人可以相信....那母猪都会飞了! 虽然我们不会诅咒你.....但男人吖.....能相信的都绝种了!!!!! 亲古吖......我们还是会看着你的....希望你能看清男人......


生命......可能有人认为.....生命里最重要是找很多很多的钱.....我想生命里你要找到你爱的人是最难的,生命里若有一个你很爱的人或很爱你的人...那么多大的痛苦多有他和你一起分担..... 那么...可能也不会再贪婪些什么了.....不是吗?有时人们太执着于一件事....反而忽略了生命的意义...生存着就是意义.....醒来时就该说我还活着....因为活着所以每一件事才有意义.... 是不是 要到生命的尽头才知道自己到底为什么而生存??当在做每一件事的时候就该想想到底这样这有意义吗?时间对生命来说可能不是那么重要,因为时间不能说故事....但是意义却可以长久地留在一个人的心理.....时间会逝去....意义却不会灭迹..... 每天如果 可以想一想今天做了什么...或许....贪婪就不会跟着你....还有.....爱一个人....不再乎天长地久.....可能就那么的一天你也会觉得那就够了.....是不是永远的...那是你不爱了才会想的.....

JYJ THe BegiNiNg~

Their showcase finally started....tats mean they r comin' 2 malaysia~~ but i cant join them.....So frustrated...bcoz...tis is the hard chance tat they can come here....n tough.... their showcase's tickets r so around 103++...wat the!!!! y couldnt i go there?? The released...but juz tracklist?! the Warn%er is decided 2 postpone the release date.... n here... is in charged by warne% is gonna be postponed...n thus... we havent can buy the cd yet..... Is a gud news tat they r coming.....but tats a bad news 4 me...bcoz .... im in exam in tat time....2pm....i must be reading my textbook or reference books~~ im drownin the bookssss~~ The Begining... is nice... micky look even a foreigner when he spoke english....but thn now he is singing english song....oh no...~~im gonna here..... n some how... junsu h jaejoongs' english is wonderful...Junsu's english is not bad as i imagine.... haha^^ their voice a bit sexy... ...


说真的....最近没我想象得那么好.....不知怎么了....有时候,总会想起一些不该想起的人....这句话我也想问我自己。到底...我还好吗?不好....神起的事我还是觉得有些吃力....不是我们不想等下去...而是太多人让我们失望... 也许...我们等的那一天会很久才到来...可是,只有不怕等待的人才能知道滋味....那种幸福的感受....也许某些人是不懂的。 也很希望...有时世界可以不要那么残忍吗?不要把每个人的希望都化成泡影....事情经历太多也会累的...也许别人不知道...神起是多么努力才有这一片天....有谁可以做到如此??不是没看见....是不想看见他们有多好...就算他们做的有多好你们还是不满足....不是吗? 看见不断出道的男子团体...仿佛觉得每一个的努力都比不上以前的艺人...就算他们的外表多好看...还是无法相比....觉得韩国演艺圈就这样吗?这....叫有能力?也许你们眼里只有钱...以至你们的道德观念错得很离谱....满脑子里不是人的事物....而是肮脏的财务....这世上果然最肮脏的是钱.... 佩仪的男友蛮喜欢东方神起耶....我也不是没认识男仙....可是这里活生生的有一个我还蛮开心的~~ 希望....仙后不会那么容易爬墙~~~


SMT开跑了~~昌珉与允浩都参与了~.....有很多视频都发出来了....话说...昌珉啊~你怎么那么有魅力?长大了呢~~ 当你撕裂衣服时....我在想,你何时有做过这样有魅力的事?(也不是说他之前没魅力)只是这么狂野的举动是第一次见.... 昌珉和允浩就表演了maximum....听说也练习了很久啊~~怎么昌珉你不干脆脱掉呢?我们是在雾里看花耶~~ 那衣服里的肌肉我也只看到一点而已啊..... 原本是允浩先出来的...然后我就听到仙后们叫着 "郑允浩!郑允浩!" 之后就是昌珉的表演了~ 就又听见”沈昌珉!!沈昌珉!!" 过后他们就一起上台,就听见“东方神起!!东方神起!!” 对呀, 他们是东方神起~~这是永远不变的事实~ 不管时间改变了你们的形态还是心态.....你们直到现在还是我们想守候的对象!!在中说:“ 没了仙后....我们是什么?” 可是仙后说 :" 没有你们,也就没有我们...." 从以前就知道你们很用功.....现在在这个艰难的时候....更看得出你们更努力了.....所以不放弃的守候是我们仙后的责任!
到底怎么了?东方神起没事吧.....很心痛.....大家都各自出席活动了~~jyj 出席a-nation的活动....允浩和昌珉开始SmT了~......不过....最近也常在听别的组合的歌~~还是很少他们的新闻.....可是还是要等下去~ 我相信~~


引用一个中国仙后的话----我不怕等待,因为我等待的是东方神起。这句话,很有意思,就算东方神起让我们等很久,我们也不会放弃--因为他们不会让我们失望,也不曾让我们失望,所以更要等下去,证明他们是没错的。他们又挨告了, SMEn还要2.2亿的赔偿金,通常审判时间需要3年,要在台上看见五人一起 可能还不行.....所以要等下去....我还是会等的,3年,.... 3年后,一定会苦尽甘来的!不会放弃,有些仙后却放弃了,但至今,东方神起还是在亚洲很有影响力的!不不不会放弃的,只要看见他们,我就有支持他们下去的动力!看到他们笑着,就觉得,这世界还是有希望的!! 加油!!我们所能做的都会给你们做的!!


续jyj后 昌珉和允浩又要与在俊有分开了......为什么?为什么SM要这么虐待神起?东方神起不是无人吗?为什么?我相信不只我一个人这样问.....Lotte duty free 的广告也这样 在俊有 三人一起拍而已......我们想五人一起 完整的演出.......这愿望很难吗?那韩庚为什么可以出唱片了?为什么东方神起不能?他们是受不了才想离开的......难道你们做的对吗?为什么还要告他们?这是不是叫差别待遇?看见他们出席不同的活动 我心好痛......在俊有又出jyj concert dvd 了 还有收录他们在合约纠纷的期间做了什么,在在说 好想念韩国的气候啊。。。我觉得在在他们没什么机会可以在韩国出席活动了.....心里很能理解 在在想念韩国是应该的,因为他他们大多的时间都在日本度过......在在和有天都在日本拍剧,俊秀也在日本宣传他的单曲......所以即使回到韩国也只是去探望朋友和家人...... 上次看了韩国仙后与中国仙后等报纸收回永远支持五只......韩国仙后还真有钱......现在他们又在韩国举行小型的flash mob 马来西亚也有人会跳mirotic耶!所以我们更要为神起做出些贡献......而且跳的还蛮好看的..... 我现在充满元气......为他们打气!!!!

Dont Cry Junsu....

I feel so sad when u all cry.... I know u all hav been so many difficulties its good 2 cry it out although I m sad but I dont wan u all 2 be stressful so cry it out.... the song "W" is nice i know u all hope 2 be 5 on stage.. but its imposible 4 now so always keep the faith!! if we can been through tis the beautifuk view waiting 4 us..... Lotte Duty Free ad is great u all so cute@@ JYJ good job!! so plz always keep the faith! YUNJAE couple support u 4ever!!!!!

Beautiful you

I just saw Yuchun's drama--Beautiful you, all the 1st, i dont noe tat tis is a cell phone drama.. very sry , after saw the teaser.. oh micky u r the best!!! finally i watched ur drama,well done!! wuli micky very handsome i cant expect tat u look so cool in tis drama... and the theme song sung by junsu is very nice, suitable 4 the drama!! finally jyj thanksgiving con was finished... all the three members went back 2 Korea... they look like very tired and sad..... I saw the red ocean frm the pic... wow red ocean... i want 2 participate in tat red ocean.... waiting 4 me TVXQ!!!! I waitng the plane or else i flying wit my wings.. ^^Always Keep The Faith~~

JYJ Thanksgiving con

I never suspect tat tis day came so quickly, jaejong , yuchun and junsu oppa had the concert yesterday, even though I still thinking of they will never disband but, hey had held the concert. i juz cant imaging if they disband will i able 2 live without them, i would say no!!but by a cassiopeia, all i can do is support them. we are not going 2 see them but we wan them 2 see us frm cassiopeia , it doesnt matter tat u all having the concert without changmin n yunho. all i wish u all is happy n healthy.... i think tis is the wishes of others cassipeia, dont cry.. we not here 2 see u cry, but is 2 smile.... although u all had 2 separate for the activit i es , i will support u all till the end , always keep the faith pls.....


是否已忘了他呢?我自己也不懂....只知道没有你我也过了十二天~ 所以我想..我不是能够忘了你, 但我可以没有你而生存~ 我还蛮感谢一些朋友的,她们真的在那段时间里,让我暂时忘了你....虽然寂寞的时候, 会想你...但是在他们在的时候,我可以大声地笑出来,不用再想伤心的事。俗语说 出外靠朋友, 是真的~ 的确,有些朋友是还不知道的,我也不打算跟他们说,反正都分手了....知道又能如何呢?只有qmt知道谁是“他”。也还好,昨天才跟他谈了,我又觉得我心里比较爽了。所以朋友很恨很重要!谢谢你们,很感谢你们让我开心的笑了!!


不知道从什么时候开始,我心里留下你的影子,想挥也挥不去…… 为什么要在我心里逗留呢?我为什么忘不了你?你说我们在一起不快乐,我却不这么觉得,或许,这是你的借口吧…… 朋友都说跟你分手,是应该开心的事,可是...我不开心啊,可以告诉我吗,我为什么不开心?是因为....你不是在了吗?是因为没人听我说心事了吗? 是因你不和我一起了......是因为没人疼我了.......是因为我们可能不会再见面了 吗? .....曾经,我以为我们会到永远的....现在, 我只要看到一些与你有关的事物就想起你 ......哪怕只有一点点....还是会想起你....下雨的时候....想起我们去逛街的时候....... 我只剩下对你的回忆.....你说看到我那么快没事,可是我是流着泪跟你信息的.....你不知道吧.....原来我在你眼中那么坚强......可是我.....一点都不坚强啊!都过了五天了,我还是会想起你......可能我不会表现.....可能你永远都不会知道我为你伤心了那么久,可能你有了更好的对象......可能你已经忘了我...... 我永远都不会忘记,你对我的好.....只是我们不在一起了....... 我多希望你说分手那天是开玩笑,可是....不能再回去了......忘记你我不好过.....不忘记你我也很心痛.......或许....以后看到你我还可以笑...但不是现在。 我哭不是因为我不开心.......而是你让我心痛了......你知道了吗?不.....你不会知道...因为我没勇气说,因为我没这么跟你说过,因为你不知道我的心......即使知道你不会再想起我了....我还是希望你会问候我...不管是什么废话.....可是我不能....因为这样会更想念你......所以我不会和你做朋友......我不想听到你说喜欢哪个女生.....不想听你说要怎样哄她......不想再对你有感觉......你不会知道......你永远都不会知道.....因为你有了别人......从你那天发错信息给我,我就知道,你不会甘于寂寞..... 你的口气都告诉着我,你在和另一个女生谈天......只要这样想.....我就不会在想见到你......你和我都不会...

V broken up 2day.......

these day with u im feel happiness, i feel u're my everything, 2day i finally noe , without u i can survive... i can sleep, can eat, i can smile like past. This world, is not like thw word" I cannt survive without u" or "how do i live without u" , in tis world v oni can count on ourself, becoz.... tat somebody will leave u someday watever he/she said b4, somday he/she will leave, all your happiness is just... memories..... I have the unforgetable memories frm him, I noe tis is the present frm god, v break up 2day, but... we had received the best present 2day, tats memories, although tis period quite short.... although v havent done our wish n promised things, although v noe each other b4, but now...i can survive,without u, without u my life fulfill with colours....i thought tat i coundnt stay alone without u b4. but, I am Lee Sze Yan!! I can do it, just let the time past through, i can stand tis pain n forget u....... Although i not willing 2 forget u , but tis ...

my grandma is changing home!!

Yesterday, my dear called me, he said saturday v go 4 eating. I said i wan 2 help my dear grandma moving hers home, so , i said friday u come 2 my scol,bcoz i'm so free tat im decided not 2 attend chiness class. But 2day teacher said no nid 2 stay back 4 doing the rocket, tat time my feeling is ,huh wan 2 attend chiness class, otherwise i ponteng the class, but if i dont go 4 the class my papers wont be marked....I noe im veri obedient, but no choice, i wan 2 finish my veri gud form4,5 years in tis scol, n graduate frm tis scol so, tat i can continue my leaning lesson in college or uni. i thik if i didnt pay more effort in tis year, i cannt survive next year, my add maths is failed, i cannt sit n wait n die.....Even thought tat my mom told me relax i cannt put down my book, i will read n read till i m reali clear about the text, i dont y tis year homework is double, lessons is triple.......scol teachers n tuition teachers oso said tat the kpm thik us is clever dy, so much thig in t...

I feel That my friend is good in undisclose her secret

It is a sudden tat i realised tat my friends is actually 2gether 4 several months, they really good in tis buisness. one of them is my classmate, another is my formal classmate in primary scol. i really dont noe wat happen b4, after saw my friend's blog, i noe tat they r really 4 in love, in truely,deeply and sincerely. bcoz, they r concern about their lover, if girl is injured, thn the boy'll worried, if boy not fell comfortable, the girl'll sms the boy. Really cant found tat, there hav tis kind of ppl around me, it isnt tat there hav bad ppl around me , but, they really will concern n worried if sthig is happen 2 each of them.I thik tis like real husbud n wife, they is the couple tat possible last 4ever, the girl's word let me feel they really in love, u may noe heart pain, if u really in love. if not, tis is not calling as love......I thik their love ;ll lat ever n ever.Dont noe y , I juz wan 2 share tis couple 2 ppl, i thik they r really in love n different wit othe...

TVXQ!! Breakout dont Break up

No matter whats happen, i just wan u all get 2gether!!!! i jus noe if one of you all out of tis group , tis group is not calling TVXQ! All v wan is 2 c all of u getting 2geter , v jus hoping uall happy , always keep the faith , healthy and smile again. is tis so hard, 4 u all i thik is, i thik "they" are torturing uall is so sad 2 saw tat uall r getting the lawsuit again, wats happening u noe v all standing by ur side, no matter wat. Somehow, plz live in happiness, tis is all v hoped........i noe u all had been a toughfull time, but plz..plz smile again...... everytime i saw u getting thinner n thinner i feel my eyes fulfill wit tears, i dont noe y i was crying mayb v were dy family, where u upset v 'll upset, when u all slimer thn b4 v'll asking u y,when u buying a new car, v 'll always update the news, when u come bak from somewhere, v'll noe how tired u r. i noe v r a family. As u Know said , our support came from cassiopeia, v r family wit cassiopeia!! it ...

tvxq------Proud of your love**

TVXQ!! My idol My most lovly idol,they just not only good loking ,i know many of cassiopeia can do anything for Tvxq! Not just they are their idol but they love TVXQ! is not an easy thing that you confront with SME just because TVXQ even Shihwa fans had never donr that! TVXQ is a miracle group, they were breaking uncountable record, who else can do that~ TVXQ! I just not think that TVXQ is just good looking because good looking is not enough if u been in this entertainment field besides good looking, they must need some talent to stay in this field otherwise there have many many ppl can replace u no wonder who are u there is many ppl is more beautiful than u dont denied this is true nobody is the most beautiful in this world. No matter how rich u r , u will die, u still a human being . u not God, so of course TVXQ is also human , they will cry, pain ,smile ,angry .... and other emotions. because of this rumors cassiopeia are very sad , why does someone may create the news, the fake n...


YouTube - tvxq love letter

YouTube - tvxq love letter

Happy Birthday my adear grandpa

Last sunday,my family n i went to Klang to celebrate my grangpa's birthday, as usual we celebrate wit my gretgrangma. At morning, i had gone to my grangma there (mom side) to celebrate my grandma birthday oso, my 4th ee she's back!! The weather is ssoooooooooooo hot, i cant even sleep at there oso. TT I never met my Ling, she is gone to work..... my Ling, i had so long no c u jor..... 4pm we came back from my mom old home, thn rush to my home, bath n change the cloth, go to 2nd birthday celebration .. met mine tangmei Jia Wei!Wakakakak we hav mani thig 2 talk .

YouTube - [HD] DBSK/TVXQ - Break Out! MV

YouTube - [HD] DBSK/TVXQ - Break Out! MV

I never hate a person like tis b4

somehow, everyone has a hatest person, im oso but usually its nothig with me . if u treat me like a fren , i'll oso treat u gud . but there is somebody i hate him so much , y it could be? I never thik tat he was the person, bcoz after knew him moro i feel like i can c tis person is so dirt. How better he is pretend, his impression in my brain is not tat gud. I dont no y my fren is loving him so much , no atracting at all .....but there are one of my fren said she is regreted tat she was loved tis bad bad bad guy . he is so disgust, i didnt mean he is not handsome , ididn judge a person throught his look, i juz feel tat he is so untrustable. Lets say , if somethig u talk 2 him , he will bongkar tis 2 his girlfren , actually tis is not a gratidute tat so gud. plz la , if someone tell their secret 2 u can u juz listen dont kacau kacau summore?! I know mayb u has the kinded-heart sumtimes but if there is the love problem btween 2 ppl can u juz watch n c juz let themselves settle , did ...

YouTube - [ENG SUB] DBSK - You're My Melody Live Perf (HQ Full Ver.)

YouTube - [ENG SUB] DBSK - You're My Melody Live Perf (HQ Full Ver.)

baby tvxq


baby tvxq

YouTube - [M/V] 2AM_죽어도 못보내

YouTube - [M/V] 2AM_죽어도 못보내 really really ballad mode!!!!!!


我终于看完了IRIS,其实,我是从15集开始看的啦!然后就追追追到20集咯!!!!!!然后看了几集,觉得还蛮好看的!!!^^ 然后看第20集的时候。。。。很紧张,炸弹要引爆了!!!!!!!然后还是阻止了!!以为男女主角可以在一起。。。。可是男女主角的吻戏和床戏都有感觉,很甜蜜!!很像情侣!!最最最后,男主角都已经要跟女主角求婚了。。。。但为什么。。。他会死?????而且那段我真的眼泪就这样凝聚在我眼眶。。。。还有承宇也死了。。。而且男主角很生气的开枪杀死那个杀他朋友的人!!!那边我真的控制不住眼泪开始涌上来。。。。而且结局只有男主角最后看着女主角在等待着他的身影,然后就死了。。。。。。。很悲呀!!!真的像白山说的自己如何死都不知道。。。。只是有一点遗憾。。。。。。为什最后还是不能在一起?????可是结束就是结束了!!!等待新戏吧!!