
Showing posts from October, 2010


生命......可能有人认为.....生命里最重要是找很多很多的钱.....我想生命里你要找到你爱的人是最难的,生命里若有一个你很爱的人或很爱你的人...那么多大的痛苦多有他和你一起分担..... 那么...可能也不会再贪婪些什么了.....不是吗?有时人们太执着于一件事....反而忽略了生命的意义...生存着就是意义.....醒来时就该说我还活着....因为活着所以每一件事才有意义.... 是不是 要到生命的尽头才知道自己到底为什么而生存??当在做每一件事的时候就该想想到底这样这有意义吗?时间对生命来说可能不是那么重要,因为时间不能说故事....但是意义却可以长久地留在一个人的心理.....时间会逝去....意义却不会灭迹..... 每天如果 可以想一想今天做了什么...或许....贪婪就不会跟着你....还有.....爱一个人....不再乎天长地久.....可能就那么的一天你也会觉得那就够了.....是不是永远的...那是你不爱了才会想的.....

JYJ THe BegiNiNg~

Their showcase finally started....tats mean they r comin' 2 malaysia~~ but i cant join them.....So frustrated...bcoz...tis is the hard chance tat they can come here....n tough.... their showcase's tickets r so around 103++...wat the!!!! y couldnt i go there?? The released...but juz tracklist?! the Warn%er is decided 2 postpone the release date.... n here... is in charged by warne% is gonna be postponed...n thus... we havent can buy the cd yet..... Is a gud news tat they r coming.....but tats a bad news 4 me...bcoz .... im in exam in tat time....2pm....i must be reading my textbook or reference books~~ im drownin the bookssss~~ The Begining... is nice... micky look even a foreigner when he spoke english....but thn now he is singing english song....oh no...~~im gonna here..... n some how... junsu h jaejoongs' english is wonderful...Junsu's english is not bad as i imagine.... haha^^ their voice a bit sexy... ...